Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14th Goals

My goal last time was to practice so I don't produce squeaking, or any other unnecessary sounds and noises to make a clear, nice sound that wont distract from the performance others could be listening to.

I think I am almost there. There is still a ton of progress I need to make to control my breath and volume, factors that could come into play with why I, or my clarinet makes noise other than music.

One new goal I could focus on is learning how to correctly play eighth notes, while still practicing on my breathing control. To meet this goal, the best thing I can do is to practice, practice, and practice to manage my control and breathing. I think i can make a lot of progress in around 2 weeks time. 

First Goal Reflection and Next Goal

The goal I have set last week was to keep a steady breath with the clarinet so I don't produce any squeaking sounds.

I believe that I am very close to completing my goal. I feel as if I have made a ton of progress since I made my goal around last week.

I think that I still need to work on this goal, as making squeaking, or other noises is still present, something that distracts from the performance.

To meet this goal, practicing will be the best thing to focus my mind, and how I breathe so none of these sounds are produced.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Growth Mindset and 1st Goal

Part 1 : Brainstarter

1.Where do you think ability comes from?

I think ability comes from yourself, what you are willing to do and what you can do. It also comes from your own strength. Your ability is also affected by many things, such as your willpower. Willpower will affect your ability to do things.

2. How do people achieve?

I believe that people achieve things by practicing and doing those things. Achievement is through your own ability, your own power, and pushing yourself to do more, and do things better every time you try.

3. Name someone who you feel has achieved a lot and give some examples of what he/she has achieved.

One person I think has achieved a lot is probably one of my friends, Imari Nash. Imari is very smart and has achieved many things. For example, she has always gotten a 4 on the state exam, and she achieved a Z+ in her reading level since 3rd grade.

4. What does failure mean to you?

To me, failure means when you don't succeed to do something, whether it be big or small, or whether your failure was on your own accord. I believe that failure does not mean the end of whatever you are trying to do, or what your goal is in life. Failure is not the end, but the beginning to success.
Part 2 : Mindsets

5. What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is being able to train your brain to become stronger. If you have a growth mindset, then you believe you can learn more. Something that is once hard can become easy with the right things. That is someone, with a growth mindset and what it means to me.

6. What do you think a fixed mindset is?

A fixed mindset is when you believe that you cant do anymore than what you can do right now. Someone with a fixed mindset has little motivation and has no further ability beyond what they have, beyond what they can do now.

7. Which mindset do you think you have? Why?

I think I have a growth mindset. I think this, because I know that knowledge can be always gained, no matter where you go. Just because you aren't good at something, that is not the extent of what you can do. Naturally, trying something for the first time may not yield good results, so practice and growing your brain is essential to growth in life.
Part 3 : Setting a Goal

One music related goal I have, is getting better at keeping a steady breath with the clarinet. What I mean by this, is practicing how I breathe to get constant results with the clarinet, so I don't make any weird noises that is not music, or constant.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Music Essay Assignment

Here is a link to my essay assignment for the prompt, 'Making noise is easy, but making music takes lots of work.'

Music Essay

Making this essay wasn't the hardest, since in my opinion, music and noise is very different from each other.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

First Instrument Reflection

My First Instrument Reflection

1. The instrument I have been working on is the clarinet.

2. Yes, this was my first choice, but not because I wanted it the most, I thought too many people would want the flute, so I put the clarinet as my first choice.

3.The biggest challenge is probably giving off enough air to play the clarinet, and learning how to keep a steady pace. Another thing, is that the clarinet is a little confusing with how many things are on a clarinet.

4. The most rewarding thing for me might have been starting to get the hang of the clarinet, although there are some things I still don't understand, I have gotten better and have learned some skills for the clarinet.

5.I don't really know if I want to keep playing the clarinet, I do want to play the flute and try to see how the flute sounds, if not too many people are already playing the flute. The clarinet is pretty confusing to play, and the flute seems easier to play and carry.

6.To help me, and us more in class, if possible, although i'm not sure because of the talking level, maybe checking up on us more often to see if we are staying on track and understand what to do.

7.More I can do to help myself and others, is to always pay attention to the music and what is currently being asked of. I can silently tell others who are talking to get back on task so class is not further disrupted.

Here is my screenshot of me completing the typing club activity~

So far, I have finished 6 activities..

Friday, September 25, 2015

Observe the New York Philharmonic Orchestra

For this assignment I was tasked to watch and observe the NY Philharmonic Orchestra, and record my observations based on some questions given to me. Here is the video I'm currently watching for my assignment.

Some instruments I've noticed, or heard, is the Cello, Violin, Piano, possibly trumpet or trombone, but I couldn't really recognize them well.
The musicians on stage are arranged in a half circle shape, possibly to be able to see the conductor.
They, for the most part seem to be sitting in a professional manner. Some don't seem to be sitting up completely straight.
I see that the Conductor is standing. I believe this is important because he shows and orders them when to play, and when not to play.
The musicians, when they perform seem to look at the conductor when they need to and the sheet music so they don't mess up and are on track.
They all do take turns when they perform, they don't all play at the same time.
While they aren't playing, they are either watching who is performing if it's a solo, or at the conductor so they know when to play, i believe.
During the performance, the audience is watching and paying attention to the performers, they are also respectful and quiet.
When the performance ends, everyone, including the musicians clap at the end.

I believe, that the most unexpected thing might have been seeing the performers clap with the audience. We can strive for this professionalism by being silent, respectful, and by paying attention to the teacher and others.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Research Two Wind Instruments

 For my next assignment, I was tasked to research two wind instruments I was interested from a list. We were given a choice from the Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, and Trombone. From the list, I found a deep interest in the flute and clarinet.

1.The Clarinet was the first one I found an interest in playing. The clarinet is apart of the Woodwind Instrument family, and produces sound by blowing into the reed. The clarinet, today, is usually made with silver or brass. Here is a picture of the clarinet.

Upon looking on the internet, I found the name of a professional clarinet player named Heinrich Baermann, who played romantic types of pieces, from what i have found on him from the internet. There aren't any videos of him playing directly, but people playing his compositions.

Also, a picture of the composer himself.

 I like this instrument, mainly for the way it looks. I also enjoy the way a clarinet sounds, as you can produce various sounds. Even though it is somewhat hard to get used to, I'd love to play this.

2. The second one, and the one I like the most out of the two choices i was given is the flute. The flute is also a woodwind instrument. This instrument makes sound by blowing air across the top, in a very specific angle or it will not make any noise. Today, a flute is usually made of silver, or brass. Here is a picture of the flute itself.

A professional who plays the flute from what I have found on the internet, Sir James Galway, he plays many genres, such as show tunes, and pop and country. He's known to be basically one of, if the not greatest flute players of all time. Here is a video of him playing a song from the lord of the rings.


Here's also a picture of James Galway himself.

I like this instrument, again, for the way it looks. I also love the flute because of how beautiful it can sound at times, and how it can play sad songs very well, with a nice tune to it. Out of the two, Flute or Clarinet, i like the Flute slightly more.

This was my assignment on researching my two wind instruments i would love to play for the future.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Way Things Work - Musical Instruments

1. What is the difference between music and noise?

In my opinion, the difference between music and noise is the sounds. Noise sounds more disorganized, and unemotional, in a sense. Music, when practiced, sounds beautiful, and usually carries the message of the piece that is being played.

2. What are some examples of musical instruments? How does each one make sound?

Musical Instruments include the violin, guitar, flute, cello, trombone, trumpets, etc..
Each instrument makes sound in a different way. Some instruments must be tuned to make
good sounds. Other instruments such as trumpets or a flute require you to blow air into it to play music. The violin uses the bow to play its strings.

3. How does sound travel?

I believe sound travels through sound waves that come from humans speaking, playing instruments, or anything of that nature. I'm not 100% sure, though.
Reflection Questions:

1. Why do instruments come in different sizes?

I believe that instruments come in different sizes because they all produce different sounds and noises, and vary in size because of their different mechanics in order for them to produce a original sound.

2. How are woodwind instruments different from brass instruments?

Woodwind instruments are different from brass instruments, because woodwind instruments are usually made of wood, brass instruments are mainly made out of metal. Another difference, is woodwind instruments mainly rely on air flow, and the use of keys, while brass instruments rely on altering flow of air when playing the instrument.

3. What instrument family should the piano be in? Why?

The piano should belong in the string instrument category, because inside of the piano, strings help to make the sounds it produces.

4. Why is it good that we have instruments that make sounds in different ways?

I believe that it is good to have instruments with different sounds, so they can make different sounds and be original. Another reason in my opinion, is so we can have new sounds by playing certain instruments together.

Friday, September 11, 2015

My Introduction

My name is Tiffany, welcome to my practice blog! :). I heavily enjoy staying on the computer, listening to a lot of music, reading, and occasionally writing and maybe some drawing here and there. I'm pretty boring so there's not much to me besides what I enjoy doing. I'm pretty silent, but louder with my friends, I don't really speak much in class, sometimes..