Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Growth Mindset and 1st Goal

Part 1 : Brainstarter

1.Where do you think ability comes from?

I think ability comes from yourself, what you are willing to do and what you can do. It also comes from your own strength. Your ability is also affected by many things, such as your willpower. Willpower will affect your ability to do things.

2. How do people achieve?

I believe that people achieve things by practicing and doing those things. Achievement is through your own ability, your own power, and pushing yourself to do more, and do things better every time you try.

3. Name someone who you feel has achieved a lot and give some examples of what he/she has achieved.

One person I think has achieved a lot is probably one of my friends, Imari Nash. Imari is very smart and has achieved many things. For example, she has always gotten a 4 on the state exam, and she achieved a Z+ in her reading level since 3rd grade.

4. What does failure mean to you?

To me, failure means when you don't succeed to do something, whether it be big or small, or whether your failure was on your own accord. I believe that failure does not mean the end of whatever you are trying to do, or what your goal is in life. Failure is not the end, but the beginning to success.
Part 2 : Mindsets

5. What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is being able to train your brain to become stronger. If you have a growth mindset, then you believe you can learn more. Something that is once hard can become easy with the right things. That is someone, with a growth mindset and what it means to me.

6. What do you think a fixed mindset is?

A fixed mindset is when you believe that you cant do anymore than what you can do right now. Someone with a fixed mindset has little motivation and has no further ability beyond what they have, beyond what they can do now.

7. Which mindset do you think you have? Why?

I think I have a growth mindset. I think this, because I know that knowledge can be always gained, no matter where you go. Just because you aren't good at something, that is not the extent of what you can do. Naturally, trying something for the first time may not yield good results, so practice and growing your brain is essential to growth in life.
Part 3 : Setting a Goal

One music related goal I have, is getting better at keeping a steady breath with the clarinet. What I mean by this, is practicing how I breathe to get constant results with the clarinet, so I don't make any weird noises that is not music, or constant.