Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Music Essay Assignment

Here is a link to my essay assignment for the prompt, 'Making noise is easy, but making music takes lots of work.'

Music Essay

Making this essay wasn't the hardest, since in my opinion, music and noise is very different from each other.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

First Instrument Reflection

My First Instrument Reflection

1. The instrument I have been working on is the clarinet.

2. Yes, this was my first choice, but not because I wanted it the most, I thought too many people would want the flute, so I put the clarinet as my first choice.

3.The biggest challenge is probably giving off enough air to play the clarinet, and learning how to keep a steady pace. Another thing, is that the clarinet is a little confusing with how many things are on a clarinet.

4. The most rewarding thing for me might have been starting to get the hang of the clarinet, although there are some things I still don't understand, I have gotten better and have learned some skills for the clarinet.

5.I don't really know if I want to keep playing the clarinet, I do want to play the flute and try to see how the flute sounds, if not too many people are already playing the flute. The clarinet is pretty confusing to play, and the flute seems easier to play and carry.

6.To help me, and us more in class, if possible, although i'm not sure because of the talking level, maybe checking up on us more often to see if we are staying on track and understand what to do.

7.More I can do to help myself and others, is to always pay attention to the music and what is currently being asked of. I can silently tell others who are talking to get back on task so class is not further disrupted.

Here is my screenshot of me completing the typing club activity~

So far, I have finished 6 activities..